Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Merry Christmas

Imagine a world without a Savior. There would be no hope, no joy, no peace. I invite you all to discover why we have a Savior and remember to keep the spirit of Christ in your Christmas this year. Knowing that we have a Savior, someone who has not only suffered for all our sins so that we can be forgiven, but who has also felt all of our pains and all of our afflictions has brought me so much peace in my life. To know that no matter what I'm going through, someone else has felt and that I'm never alone in my trials. Because Jesus Christ has felt our pains, he knows exact how to help us. And when you rely on him and pray just asking for help, he WILL help and because of his atoning sacrifice, he will give you strength. At Christmas time, we celebrate so much more than just his birth. I thought it was Gordon B Hinkley (a past prophet of the LDS church) who said, "there would be no Christmas without Easter." And that is so true. We celebrate his birth because of what he did in his life. Because if his sacrifice. God gave us the gift of his Son and then his Son gave us the gift of his own life. We can be cleansed of our sins and live again with our Heavenly Father and all of our loved ones. That's why we give at Christmas and that's why we should celebrate during this joyous time of year. Rejoice greatly! For unto you, a Savior is Born. 

With great love, 
Sister Holcomb 

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Imagine a World Without
a Savior

What if we couldn't correct our mistakes, if our wounds never healed? What if we could never find lasting hope, peace, and joy? Because of our Savior Jesus Christ, we know we can. This Christmas season, we celebrate #ASaviorIsBorn with all the world.

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