I've missed the deliciousness of this place for too long! We were reunited and it was love at first bite 🍔❤️
Another reason why I am excited to be here is because I get to meet Maryn tomorrow! She is one of the girls I met on the sister missionary Facebook page. We have the SAME mission and we leave on the SAME day! We are getting lunch and going to get our nails done. It's gunna be super fun. I also get to meet Rachel when I'm back in WA. She gets set apart as a missionary in 11 days! She too is serving in SLC. It's so awesome how I can meet these girls who I could possibly serve with in the future! We've all become so close and we haven't even met yet! Our mission is going to be incredible.
(SIDE NOTE: My friend Camille received her mission call last night and she will be serving in the Nashville Tennesee mission! How exciting is that?! So proud of her. I'm so happy for everyone who is choosing to serve a mission!!)
Another reason why I'm glad to be in Utah right now is because I got to tour Utah Valley University! It's such an amazing campus and it has sooo much to offer. And it's close to Salt Lake City so I can keep in contact with all the people I meet on my mission! I met so many people on campus that told me about all the wonderful things the school does and I couldn't be more excited to go to school there after my mission.
I've got a couple more days here and I'm going to enjoy every second! Well I guess that's it for today!
Oh! One more thing. So there's this guy named Stuart Edge. He is one of my favorite YouTubers (check out his videos right now!!) and he's also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. On Sunday he was in Cali for VidCon and he posted this picture of him, reading his scriptures on his phone in a hotel:
The caption says: "Sundays on the road. "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place, or drop out of our lives." -Ezra Taft Benson"
Since I too was on the road on Sunday, I shared the post. It got a couple likes but it wasn't until Monday night that something awesome happened!!
STUART EDGE COMMENTED ON THE POST! I had a bit of a fan girl moment and told him he was rad. Then quickly recovered and thanked him for sharing his testimony and being an example to me. It's not easy to be in the spotlight and be "famous" and still stay strong to your beliefs so I was impressed that he has such a strong testimony. So that was cool but then, once again, something even more awesome happened. He wished me well on my mission! I don't know exactly how he knew I was going on a mission but I once again had a little fan girl moment. It was awesome hahah. Ok. So now I'm done!
Don't be afraid to share your testimony with everyone around you! Be a light into the world! Someone will notice and you could change someone's life :) stay strong.